Supplementary Lessons consists of ways to teach the grammatical features and advanced attributes of English. Grammatical features are learned as extensions of what students have learned about words*. Teachers present features with examples; students add the particular features in their sentence writing which provides them with practice and assessment of their grasp of patterns for teachers.

The lessons are presented in an order of instruction that is most likely, but that can be varied.
Most of the work focuses on word endings in English; there are two types: inflectional morphemes (also termed, inflected endings) and derivational morphemes.

Inflected endings are units of meaning that, when added to words, change their functions but not their meanings. For example, spells, spelled, and spelling are forms of the verb to spell. The inflected endings, –s, –ed, and –ing, are necessary for grammatical 'fit' within context, but, semantically, they are still forms of spell, meaning, to write the names of the letters of a word in the correct order.

Derivational morphemes, on the other hand, are units of meaning that, when added, result in semantic changes. For example, act, actual, actuality, etc.

Morphology supplementary lessons come from our work with students across grade levels, beginning as early as second grade. The leveled morphology lessons may be used together for advanced learners. A printout of the lessons enables monitoring and recording progress.

Morphological knowledge is necessary because the intrinsic economy of the English language derives from morphemes combining to make words worth whole phrases in less complex English. When combined with phonological insight this study is a foundation for advanced language learning.

*Once students have learned to read the expected-to-be-learned, first few hundred words, they will have been exposed to all phonetic features of English. They are then prepared to learn inflectional and derivational morphemes as extensions of the words they already know.